Dynamic Mastery, Inc
Dynamic Mastery, Inc
Bach Flower Therapy Consultation, Hypnotherapy, Classes, Mentorship

Bach Flower Remedies, commonly known as the 38 Flowers, are the vibrational energy of 37 different plants and the water from one natural spring with natural healing qualities which have been harnessed into 38 different liquid formulations. Because these are "vibrational" remedies and not the pharmacological properties of the plants, they will NOT interact with medication.
Read for yourself about the amazing healing qualities of the 38 Flowers. Ask yourself, "which one seems to match my mood, attitude, or personality?"
Remember - choose according to your current mental or emotional attitudes. Sometimes only one remedy is indicated, sometimes more. Limit your mixture to no more than 7 remedies.
Get a one ounce amber bottle with a dropper lid. Fill the bottle with 30 ml (one ounce) of Spring Water. Add two drops of each of the chosen remedies (4 drops if it is Rescue Remedy) to the water in the treatment bottle.
From your treatment bottle take four drops four times a day or more often. Simply put the drops directly into the mouth (be careful not to touch dropper to your mouth), or add to any beverage. There is no chance of over-dosing as this is the vibrational energy of the healing plants. What is most important is frequent exposure to the healing vibration. The mixture expires in three weeks because the water which may have been contaminated has expired. The vibration is still active.
The remedies are safe for people of all ages (i.e. babies, children, pregnant mothers, the elderly), and even your plants and pets. For more information about the Bach Flowers for pets go to Bach Flowers for Pets.
Stock bottles are preserved in alcohol or glycerin. The stock bottles preserved with alcohol are most common and the most economical. If alcohol is an issue, use the glycerin based remedies, or apply your remedy mix from the stock bottles externally to pulse points.
Need help choosing remedies?
- Review the 38 Flowers and ask, "which one seems to match my mood or personality?"
- Schedule a personal Consultation with Helen Hess, BFRP. Call 520-888-9338 to schedule an appointment or email.
- Go to the Services page to register for a Free Community Presentation or Level 1 Class.